Market Pulse Week 2 - 2013

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Market Pulse Week 2 - 2013

Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 2 – 2013 (Jan. 11)


In North America, the U.S. market was stable with adequate sales and prices without major changes.

In Europe, there was low participation for Chilean Hass, decreasing its participation with low volumes. Spanish and Israeli supply took more market presence.


In North America, good sales activity was reported in the U.S. market, while fruit quality was sensitive in some cases.

In Europe, slow movement was seen but it was adequate for the level of supply. The U.K. market was stable.

In Asia, there were moderate sales during the week.


In North America, repacking was the most widely used alternative to improve market supply due to the weak condition of maritime arrivals. High prices were kept for fruit in good condition.

In Europe, the season was coming to an end with low volumes arriving in the market and few importers handling Chilean fruit.

In Asia, high sales activity was reported and frequent decay problems for certain varieties.


In North America, a grape shortage in the U.S. market kept sales prices high, particularly for seedless varieties.

In Europe, there was also a low supply level while sales were streamlined.plums_55619518 small

In Asia, consumers have shown a preference for U.S. Red Globes over Peruvian supply.


In North America, more movement was noted in the U.S. market with higher sea volume arrivals from Chile.

In Europe, the market was stable with a low level of supply and streamlined sales in the U.K.

In Asia, good activity was reported for Australian stonefruit, with the first recorded sales of sugar plums.

iQconsulting/edited by

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