USDA announces US$18.3M bonus buy of U.S. apples

Following a period of excess supply, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has pledged to make its largest apple purchase in history with the fruit destined for nutrition-based initiatives like the school lunch program.
In a release, industry group the US Apple Association (USApple) said the purchase would include 34.9 million pounds of fresh apples and 16.1 million pounds of processed apple products, with a total estimated value of US$18.3 million.
"Coming on the heels of what was likely the largest crop in US history, this USDA purchase is welcome news and we thank the department for it," USApple president Jim Bair said in a release.
"Adding this action to USDA's recent success in opening the China market for US apples, it is an understatement to say we are grateful."
Bair also thanked USApple's director of regulatory and industry affairs Mark Seetin for his initiative and hard work on the bonus buy.
The industry group represents all segments of the apple industry, with members including 40 state and regional associations representing 7,500 apple growers throughout the country and 400 individual firms.