Naturipe partners with SAP in blockchain initiative

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Naturipe partners with SAP in blockchain initiative

Naturipe Farms is working with Germany-based software company SAP on an initiative to lead retailers and consumer products companies using blockchain technology to improve food safety and reduce waste.

The goal is to help build the next-generation of farm-to-consumer “track and trace,” also known as a digital supply chain for food, according to the grower-owned berry company.

Blockchain technology involves a distributed ledger to which companies contribute encrypted blocks of data. This can be monitored and verified by everyone along the supply chain, and no one can make a change without everyone knowing and agreeing.

“We are excited to work with SAP to provide improvements in food safety and provide consumers with information they are asking for,” says Carol McMillan, director of IT for Naturipe Farms.

“Currently, food supply chain stakeholders record their own product information and share only if necessary. The goal is to help create a system with higher trust and transparency between companies to increase speed and operational simplification.”

Hans Thalbauer, senior vice president for IoT and digital supply technology at SAP, said the company is working with "leading brands in the food industry to unlock the potential of blockchain to address the industry’s biggest supply chain challenges".

"The case is important to SAP because our technology helps to reduce food waste and optimize the supply chain," he said.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, more than 30 percent of the food produced in the world is lost or wasted. Improving the food supply chain will greatly reduce food scarcity.

Along with other partner companies, Naturipe and SAP aim to boost supply chain integrity and efficiency through the blockchain initiative.

McMillan is scheduled to speak on a panel at the SAP Enterprise Blockchain Symposium, Sept. 5-6, 2018.


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