Dutch customs seize OZblu blueberries shipped from South Africa

United Exports says that Dutch authorities have seized a container of OZblu blueberries that were exported from South Africa without its permission.
The Australia-headquartered company and global license holder of the low-chill blueberry varieties said that Dutch customs issued a Red Alert in Rotterdam following the seizure.
The fruit was produced by a South African fruit producer and exported by a South African fruit exporter for distribution and sale in the European Union without the authority of the Australian plant breeder, United Exports said in a release.
"In doing so the European Union Customs Authority recognised the Community Plant Variety Rights in respect of the OZblu blueberry varieties held by United Exports Group and grown by the South African fruit producer without a license to do so," the company said.
"The European Union Customs Authority have seized the fruit and commenced proceedings involving the South African exporter, the shipper and the European wholesaler for the destruction of the fruit."
United Exports said that the European Commission, Taxation and Customs Union, which enforces the intellectual property, counterfeit and piracy regulations, will monitor the future import of all OZblu blueberry varieties into the EU.
No further details of the situation were released, such as the names of the South African companies in question.