APHIS considers Egyptian mango imports with pest risk assessment

The Egyptian government has asked USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to authorize imports of fresh mango for consumption into the U.S.
APHIS has drafted a pest risk assessment before proceeding with the import approval process.
The draft pest risk assessment for mango fruit for consumption from Egypt will be available for review and comment until October 13, 2021.
In 2020, Egypt exported close to $45 million worth of mango ranking 13 in trade value, according to trade data from United Nations Comtrade.
Egyptian mango shipments totaled 24 million kilograms last year.
Thailand was positioned as the top mango exporter when looking at trade value, with over $570 million reported last year.
Mexico was next followed by Brazil with almost $457 million and $248 million, respectively.