Canada invests nearly $1.3M in high-efficiency fertilizers

Canada has invested approximately C$1.7 million (US$1.3 million) in the development of new technology to produce high-efficiency fertilizers made with organic carbon, the country's Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food has revealed.
With fertilizers being an essential tool to help farmers around the world meet the challenge of feeding a growing population, the Canadian government has called on Sulvaris in Calgary, Alberta to transform industrial by-products into environmentally sustainable and effective fertilizer products.
“Our investment in Sulvaris' innovative fertilizer technology recognizes this key on-going priority to support development of affordable and environmentally sustainable fertilizers that help our farmers improve food supply," stated the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau.
Sulvaris' carbon control technology converts organic waste into high-efficiency fertilizers that are rich in nutrients and soil-building carbon. They are economical to use in large-scale agriculture, as well as in commercial and home use.
In addition, these fertilizers improve on conventional chemical fertilizers by releasing nutrients more slowly, which means less unabsorbed nutrients are left in the soil, reducing the risk of them releasing harmful greenhouse gas emissions or contaminating waterways.
Climate change and a growing population will continue to challenge the global food supply. Therefore, supporting new on-farm, climate-smart practices is essential if Canadian farmers are going to continue making sustainable production gains.
Member of Parliament George Chahal highlighted that “this new approach developed here in Calgary [...] is an important step towards our goal of reducing greenhouse emissions while giving farmers the inputs to sustainably increase their production."
Moreover, this year, the conflict in Ukraine, a major agricultural producer, has created even more demand for Canadian crops and agricultural products, both as exports and contributions to the World Food Bank.
"In the wake of the conflict in Ukraine, our farmers are being called upon to play an even greater role in feeding the world, and we are continuing efforts to ensure they have access to the resources they need,” mentioned Bibeau.
Since the release of Canada's Strengthened Climate Plan, the Government of Canada has been working to improve the environmental sustainability of fertilizer. In December 2020, a national target was announced to reduce fertilizer greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent below 2020 levels by 2030.
A new round of consultations with producer groups on ways to meet the target is being completed this summer, with high-efficiency fertilizers identified as one of the approaches.