Genetically edited crops to grow exponentially - Rabobank

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Genetically edited crops to grow exponentially - Rabobank

A recent report has concluded that the adoption of genetically edited crop seeds is expected to increase significantly over the next five to 10 years.

The report was prepared for Rabobank by Chiai Kang, an international agricultural input analyst, and Stephen Nicholson, a global grains and oilseeds strategist.

Agricultural analysts say adoption rates of this technology will exceed 50% in the aforementioned period, and add it has the potential to benefit the entire food supply chain, from producers to consumers, including the environment.

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"Gene editing (GE) technology has the potential to solve problems in the food supply chain for all stakeholders. It can increase crop productivity without the need to expand cropland area, reduce food waste, reduce eventually harmful food substances in food, and reduce pesticide use, among other benefits," Kang said.

According to the report, gene-edited crops can benefit the entire food supply chain, "directly impacting farmers and agricultural input companies, but also the grain and oilseed industry and consumers."

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