South African table grape forecast on track with last season

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South African table grape forecast on track with last season

The South African Table Grape Industry (SATI) released its first volume estimate for the season, projecting 52 million to 54 million 4.5-kilogram equivalent cartons for the 2013-14 harvest. uvas_64053169 small

The estimate places South African table grape production on par with last year's 53.47 million cartons.

Projections for the frost-affected Orange River Region were notably down to 14.8 million to 15.5 million cartons, compared to 16.09 million last season.

"Although this region experienced cooler periods over the last few weeks, it did not affect vine growth and development. All varieties have finished flowering and fruit set is nearly completed. Vineyards are healthy," SATI said of the region.

The Olifants River Region helped balance out the nation's forecast, growing from 2.7 million cartons in 2012-13 to a projected 3.2 million to 3.5 million this season.

"This region experienced cooler periods over the last few weeks, which did not affect vine growth and development. Berry enlargement activities are underway on Prime, Flame Seedless and Starlight. All other varieties are at varying flowering stages," SATI reported about the region.

Projections remained stable for the Northern Province Region,  the Berg River Region and the Hex River Valley Region.




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