Chile blueberry season expected to produce some 66,700 tons in 2010-11 season

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Chile blueberry season expected to produce some 66,700 tons in 2010-11 season

Favorable climate conditions for fruit growing this year should bring an excellent harvest in Chile that will follow growth trends seen in previous years, according to the Blueberry Committee of the country’s exporters’ association ASOEX.

Weather conditions have favored production for the upcoming season. Chilean summer 2009-10 was marked by average temperatures and was followed by a winter with enough cold days and a spring with few days of frost.

According the Blueberry Committee’s report: “These factors lead us to believe that this season’s growth with maintain trends seen in previous years.” According to the estimates, the export volume is expected to reach 66,711 tons in the 2010-11 season.

The largest export volume will be absorbed by the United States, the market where the committee focuses most of its promotional efforts.

In order to guarantee a greater rotation of fruit in US supermarkets during the peak of the season’s harvest, the committee has advised its growers to pack the fruit between week 48 (2010) and week 5 (2011) in larger packages of 1 pint (320 grams), and that other formats should be left only for “pre-established programs,” according to the release.

In addition, the committee will monitor climate conditions that affect the harvest. However it is expected that the weather conditions caused by La Niña that has brought less rain this year in Chile will help keep fruit quality expectations in line.

The export estimates were released during a seminar held in the producing regions around Linares and Los Angeles, in the south central region of Chile, on October 6 and 7. The event brought together growers, exporters and a panel of specialists who discussed the industry’s strategy to compete in potential markets. Preliminary estimates for the sector compiled by iQonsulting were also presented.


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