Chile blueberry shipments slow to start

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Chile blueberry shipments slow to start

Chile’s blueberry exports have started slowly but with a higher volume than at the same time last year, the Chilean Blueberry Committee said in a report based on figures from Chilean fruit industry analyst iQonsulting.

According to the report, projections for the season have been slightly modified to reflect a lower volume in the beginning of the season. Air shipments are expected through week 46. As of the end of October, the industry has exported 162 tons of the fruit.

Week 47 and 48 will see a significant shift in exports as maritime shipments take hold. The peak of the season should coincide with the year’s end on week 52 and see exports totaling 5,220 tons of the fruit.

In the northern harvest areas of Chile, some 4,220 tons are expected to be exported.

For the central region surrounding the capital, the harvest should start next week with the Duke variety. A bit father south, the harvest is expected to tart with limited volumes between November 8-10.

Near Curicó the harvest was expected to start over the weekend of November 6. In the coastal town of Los Angeles some hail has been reported, but heavy damage is not expected though an evaluation still must be performed.

In Chile’s southern growing regions, rains last week have prompted fumigation of crops to lower the risk of Botrytis in the post-harvest. Temperatures are expected to rise in the area, but the unpredictable weather will likely continue.


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