Mexico: forecast improves for Sinaloa mangoes

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Mexico: forecast improves for Sinaloa mangoes

Improved weather conditions have led to a higher mango export forecast for the Mexican state of Sinaloa, with 80,000 metric tons (MT) in shipments expected this season.

In May the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishing and Food (SAGARPA) estimated exports of 60,000MT due to low temperatures and drought, but improved rains allowed for more intense cultivation of crops.

The state will ship 80% of exports to the U.S. while the remaining 20% will go to Canada, Japan, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Belgium, France and Greece. In addition, 100,000MT of Sinaloa mangoes will be sold on the domestic Mexican market.

SAGARPA says 146,000MT of the season's mangoes were harvested by the start of September, which is already more than the previously expected 128,700MT for the season.

To date there have been 68,000MT mangoes exported from the Mexican state with a value of more than US$45 million.

Despite the improved forecast, export volumes will still be lower than the 97,000MT shipped in 2010.


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