Peru expects South Korea exports to double

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Peru expects South Korea exports to double

Peru's exports to South Korea look set to double over the next five years with asparagus, frozen mangoes and mango preserves among the key horticultural goods shipped, website reported.

Sierra Exportadora president Alfonso Velásquez, said following ratification of the fair trade agreement last August shipments looked set to increase and diversify.

"To date we have exported minerals to South Korea, but it is starting to be more dynamic with value-added exports to the country," he was quoted as saying.

He told delegates at a seminar on South Korean industrial development there was interest in cocoa, coffee, clothing, asparagus, canned peppers, frozen mangoes and mango preserves.

It's expected 91.5% of Peruvian produce wil be exempt from import tax to South Korea within the first five years of the free trade agreement; South Korea is Peru's third-largest export destination in Asia.

Sierra Exportadora is a government-backed development organization to help producers in the Andean country access international markets.

Related stories: Peru's ag exports rose by almost a quarter in 2011

Photo: Sierra Exportadora

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