Colombian govt offers banana growers inputs for whitefly control

Officials from the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) have provided chemical products to banana growers in the country's central-west regions to help ward off the threat of whitefly on plantations.
In a release, ICA said the products had been given to 83 growers in the municipalities of Córdoba and Buenavista in the department of QuindÃo, and in Belén de UmbrÃa in the Risaralda department.
Assistant manager for plant protection Carlos Soto Rave said it was necessary to unite efforts to counter the pest, which has been identified in the region and has "considerably affected" productivity.
He emphasized fumigation would need to be done in coordination with ICA technicians during defined periods, with the right dosage to guarantee effectiveness.
The formulas delivered include mixes thiacloprid and deltamethrin, and imidacloprid and Lambdacialotrina.