Exotic expansion plans for Halls' fruit basket

Halls' newly established Dutch operation is focusing on a year-round European supply of produce including mangoes and avocados, as well as adding a range of exotics to its portfolio.
South African grower-based organization Halls International strengthened its position in Europe during late 2014 by acquiring Netherlands-based fruit marketer Columbus Exotics.
Rotterdam-based sales manager Ate Kalsbeek told www.freshfruitportal.com how the start of 2015 will see a strengthening in the supply of the two fruit categories alongside a gradual introduction of other exotics demanded by European consumers.
"In coming year we will add several products to our range like passionfruit, pomegranate and limes and our aim is to offer these products year round," he said.
"Most important is to be able to supply customers all year round with avocado and mango, especially in the ripe and ready range. But we do have big plans in other categories.
"For Halls specifically it is a challenge to be a year round supplier and have enough product available to supply the increasing demand of exotics."
Kalsbeek explains how his focus is on the key 10-15 exotic items that are most popular.
"We will be focusing on the exotics that you can find in supermarkets as we're not interested in the whole range of exotics, which is about 300 different products, that some importers handle. Instead we want to keep our focus on the major items.
"What you see in general is with 20% of your products, you do 80% of your turnover.
"There is definitely a strong demand on the European market for passionfruit, pomegranates and limes which are all products you tend to see in more or less every supermarket.”
Although not confirmed, Kalsbeek says he is looking at launching pomegranates around April to tap into its popularity and image as a 'super fruit' with antioxidant qualities.
"The introduction of these new categories will happen gradually. We will start with the pomegranates and when we find the right supplier for limes, they will be added to the portfolio and the same with passionfruit.
"It’s just a matter of getting settled within the first two to three months, and then we can add these other products to the range.
"We have the contacts, resources and expertise so this is not going to be a problem and I'm looking forward to the challenge."
Related story: South African firm buys Dutch exotics importer