NZ: Fire destroys shed at Seeka packhouse

Seeka Kiwifruit Industries (NZX: SEK) has advised that a significant fire hit its Oakside Post-Harvest site overnight, destroying the facility's north shed component.
The cause of the fire is unknown and no people were injured in the incident, which is understood to have taken hold around midnight on the evening of March 4.
The company clarified that the destroyed shed was typically used later in the season for quality checking and repacking fruit prior to dispatch.
"It is also used for forklift storage. The main pack-house, forecourt, curing canopy, and rear coolstores are all unaffected by the incident," the company said in an announcement to the New Zealand Stock Exchange.
"The central coolstores are partially affected to the extent of some damage to a common wall that is adjacent to the North Shed.
"A preliminary inspection has shown that one coolroom of approximately 250k trays of capacity is significantly affected."
While a more detailed investigation is underway with engineering reports to follow, Seeka expects Oakside to process more than nine million class 1 trays of kiwifruit in 2015, out of a total handled volume of more than 24 million trays.
"While kiwiberry is being processed on site, no fruit has been affected by the fire and the processing operation and equipment is now being reviewed to assess if it can stay on site or be moved to an alternate site," the company said.
"Seeka carries comprehensive insurance cover. Our immediate focus is to render the site safe once the Fire Service has completed their job.
"The Company will undertake the repairs and operational changes to enable the upcoming kiwifruit season to run without any adverse effect to our growers."
This comprehensive insurance cover means the group does not expect the event to have a material impact on earnings.
"Seeka will advise under the continuous disclosure rules if this position changes.
"Seeka would thank and express its appreciation to the Rural Fire Service who responded to the fire calling on units from Te Puke, Katikati and Edgecumbe.
"The quick and responsive action of the Fire Service has successfully averted a far bigger disaster."