Brazil to export larger mangoes to U.S.

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Brazil to export larger mangoes to U.S.

Just a couple of months after the U.S. increased the weight limits for Peruvian mangoes eligible for import, restrictions have also been eased for Brazilian fruit. mango_65889349 small

Brazil's Ministry of Agriculture announced on Wednesday the limit had been increased from 650 grams (1.43 pounds) to 900 grams (2 pounds).

The decision was made at a meeting between the two countries' representatives in the U.S. held on June 4 and 5.

The development should mean Brazil ships greater volumes to the U.S., the Ministry said.

In 2014 the South American country sent 22,000 metric tons (MT) to the U.S., at a total value of more than US$24 million.

The value is said to have represented a quarter of Brazil's total exports to the U.S. that year.



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