Monsanto trying to buy Syngenta 'on the cheap', says chairman

Syngenta chairman Michel Demaré has outlined the company's position on two approaches by Monsanto, both of which were rejected for not being in the best interest of the Swiss multinational's shareholders.
In a video on Syngenta's YouTube channel Demaré reaffirms why Syngenta has rebuffed the agrichemical giant's takeover offers made in May and June.
Syngenta turned down Monsanto’s initial US$45 billion offer because of the 'inadequate price' and partially because regulatory concerns were not addressed.
"The proposal significantly undervalues Syngenta's prospects, but as well really underestimates the huge execution risks of this transaction as well as the substantial damage that could occur to all integrated business," Demaré says in the video.
Monsanto offered to pay a US$2 billion reverse break-up fee to Syngenta if it can't get global regulatory approvals for an acquisition.
But Demaré describes Monsanto’s second proposal as a 'copy paste' of the first.
"The only difference was this break fee which we didn't think was appropriate as well," he says.
He goes on to talk about Syngenta's share price, the integrated future strategy of the company and gives more details as to why Monsanto’s US$2 billion break-up fee does not begin to mitigate the impact of dismantling Syngenta's operations.
Watch the video in full here.