The U.S. and Switzerland agree to organic equivalency

The trade of organic products between the U.S. and Switzerland will be streamlined as of today, thanks to an organic equivalency agreement achieved between the two countries.
U.S. Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden described the deal as another chapter in the success story of U.S. organic agriculture, which has provided economic opportunities and greater options for consumers.
In a release, the U.S. Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) highlighted this is the fifth organic equivalency deal achieved during the Obama administration, adding to Canada, the European Union, Japan, and Korea.
"This arrangement is an important step in strengthening our economic relationship with Switzerland, in one of the fastest-growing segments of the agriculture economy," said United States Trade Representative Chief Agricultural Negotiator Darci Vetter.
"The opportunities provided by the arrangement will build on this trend and yield important benefits for producers and consumers alike."
Organic Trade Association CEO Laura Batcha said the deal had been three years in the making, and thanked the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative for their collaborative efforts.
"Swiss consumers put a high value on food quality and nutrition, and they’ve made organic a part of their daily diets. Now they will enjoy greater access to the high-quality organic products from the U.S.," Batcha said.