U.S.: Chiquita's Fresh Express HQ to move to Florida

Chiquita Brands International has announced it will be moving two of its division headquarters to Florida.
A company spokesperson told www.freshfruitportal.com the group's Fresh Express headquarters would be moving to Orlando along with some corporate functions, while Chiquita Bananas US would be based in Port Everglades.
She said there would be 150-200 jobs split between the two locations.
Newspaper the Sun Sentinel reported the group would be moving its Fresh Express division head office to Fort Lauderdale, to be in close proximity to one of its biggest customers, Walt Disney World.
The story reported the company's website had eight listings for the Fort Lauderdale office on Thursday. At the time of writing there were five listings at Fort Lauderdale on the site, 11 for Orlando and three at Port Everglades.
After becoming privatized last year following a buyout from the Cutrale-Safra Group, this January the company announced the closure of its headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The company is yet to announce where the new Chiquita Brands International headquarters will be.