Dumping claims prompt Mexican investigation into U.S. apple imports

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Dumping claims prompt Mexican investigation into U.S. apple imports

Mexican federal authorities are investigating claims the U.S. has allegedly been dumping apples in the market, an industry representative has told local newspaper Crónica de Chihuahua. manzanasrojas-fondorojo_92207716 panorama 1

Regional Agricultural Union of Fruit Growers of the State of Chihuahua (UNIFRUT) president Ricardo Márquez Portillo told the publication he was assured by Secretary of the Economy Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal the government would solve what had become a "serious problem".

The union leader said he had received promises Guajardo Villarreal would be putting U.S.-grown apples in the number one spot on a list of items on which Mexico could impose trade retaliations, the story reported.

"This year there was a good apple harvest in Mexico but what has happened is Mexican growers can't sell so they are at risk of having greater losses than what have been registered in recent years," Márquez Portillo was quoted as saying.

He told the publication the federal investigation was in response to claims raised by Unifrut, and also includedallegations of double billing with collusion between exporters and importers.

Mexico imported 440,000 metric tons (MT) of U.S. apples in 2014-15, the story reported.

Photo: www.shutterstock.com


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