Spain expects "active demand", greater growth in second half of Fino lemon deal

Spain's Interprofessional Lemon and Grapefruit Association (AILIMPO) says it is expecting a strong second half to the season of its predominant lemon variety.
"During the second part of the season, active demand and a greater growth rate is expected for Fino lemon," it said.
The total lemon crop estimate for the 2018-19 remains 1.3 million metric tons (MT), which reflects a 14% increase in Fino production to around 920,000MT and a sharp recovery in production of the Verna variety following a poor previous season.
The Verna lemons, which are harvested towards the end of the season, should see slightly higher volumes than 2017 of around 380,000MT and around a 40% increase from last year.
"The forecast will allow Spain to consolidate its position as the undisputed top supplier in the European market from April to August 2019," the association said. "Despite the global crop figure, the lower rate of harvesting up to January has led to lower processing activity."
Last year the organization said that good volumes of both varieties would allow it to boost exports to non-EU markets like the Middle East, Canada and Brazil.
“With this harvest forecast, the lemon processing industry into juice, essential oils and dehydrated peel expects to return to normal lemon processing activity, where Spain ranks second in the world and which plays a key role in regulating supply and market balance,” it said at the time.