Generating added value in the avocado industry

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Generating added value in the avocado industry

This article is sponsored content from the World Avocado Congress, which takes place in Colombia in 2019

Avocados have seen strong consumption growth globally and as well as a sharp increase in the number of hectares planted in production countries. This has resulted in a rise in volumes of smaller-sized fruit, which are not for export.

The industrialization and transformation of avocado have consequently become an alternative for growers of smaller sized avocados. In a conference called Avocado Territory II, Daniel GĂłmez, manager of Terravocado, spoke about the possibilities for transformation in the avocado industry.

In Colombia, avocado are the second-biggest fruit crop produced, behind citrus. According to figures from the DANE, in 2018, in the country there were 98,268 planted hectares, of which 74,991 are in production.

New developments with avocados

According to figures from the Portafolio newspaper in Europe, the consumption of avocados grew by 65% between 2016 and 2018. Consumption is also growing in countries like the U.S., which reached 1.1 million metric tons in 2018.

The high consumption of avocados in some countries has generated a rise in the uses of this fruit. Here we will mention some of the most interesting:

  • As an ingredient in nutritional products, such as in capsules
  • In countries like the U.K. it is sold in the form of avocado margarine
  • Avocado gazpacho, a cold soup. It is well known in cities like Malaga in Spain.
  • A Mexican company has developed unique technology for the fabrication of biopolymers from avocado seeds
  • Sculptures made from avocado seeds

Among the main transformations of avocado, we found:

  • The commercialization of pieces of frozen avocado, which guarantee quality for the consumer.
  • Acidified avocado pulp, which has a low pH level.
  • HPP pulp, which is a technology that is commercially viable given that it allows avocados to be pasteurized.
  • Hydrating creams made with avocado, whose properties boost hydration and luminosity of the skin.
  • Avocado oil, which helps to reduce cholesterol and is high in Lutein, a beneficial antioxidant for the eyes

According to Daniel Gomez, to produce one kilo of avocado oil, 10 kilos of avocados are needed.

To learn more about the opportunities in the avocado industry like value-added products, come to the IX World Avocado Congress and learn first-hand from industry leaders. Get your tickets here:

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