USDA releases PRA for potential Indonesian pineapple imports

The Indonesian pineapple industry is taking steps to access the U.S. market, with a government request for the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to authorize imports of its fresh pineapple fruit for consumption in the country.
In response, the APHIS has drafted a pest risk assessment of the category. This document lists potential pests likely to remain on the commodity upon importation if no mitigations are applied, says the USDA.
Common insects that infest pineapples are mealybugs, scale and pineapple red mites, notes the International Tropical Fruits Network.
After the APHIS completes such assessments, it shares its information with the public.
This data allows stakeholders to review and provide comments on draft risk assessments or pest lists. Afterward, the USDA can assess the feedback before making an official decision, the department adds.
The draft pest risk assessment for pineapples from Indonesia will be available for review and comments for 30 days.
After that time, the USDA will make an official decision on whether or not to grant the nation market access.
If the Indonesian government's efforts are successful, the U.S. would become the second North American country the nation exports fresh pineapple to, according to global sourcing platform Tridge.
Presently, Indonesia ranks eighth in terms of production for the international pineapple market, it adds.
Specifically, the site's latest figures show that it produces 1.4 million metric tons of the fruit annually.
Click here to view the pest risk assessment or submit comments.