Chile: All well for the prune industry despite social unrest, says industry body

The Chilean prune industry is doing well despite social unrest and uncertainty in the country, according to industry body Chile Prunes.
"Despite problems, the agriculture industry, and specifically the prune industry, is still on its feet. Everything is operating normally. Our packing and exports continue without any problems," said president Pedro Pablo Díaz.
Workers continue with their duties even in difficult times, added Díaz. He said that because of this, others should consider the Chilean prune industry as an example.
At an industry event last month, a panel discussion revealed that while the industry has had its doubts about the current season because of ongoing social unrest in the country, it is still going strong.
Those who spoke at the event provided information on the impact of current social and political issues on the industry. Along with ensuring that operations are functioning well amidst difficult times, representatives explained how they are responding to the situation.
Undoubtedly, Chile is in a process of change that will be positive in the long run, stated director of ProChile Jorge O'Ryan.
However, to confront the difficult conditions that currently affect the country, the agency is adopting new measures. For example, it is organizing new logistical systems to connect markets with supplies of dried prunes through virtual exchanges. It is also simplifying exchanges and discounting certain promotional activities to speed up processes.
Álvaro Undurraga of Corfo spoke on the "reconstruction" of production after serious problems in the country. The current situation could be compared to Corfo's founding which was in response to reconstructing industries after devastating damage from the earthquake in Chillán in 1939, he said.
Chilean prune industry's focus on technology and climate change
Additionally, the industry stresses the importance of technological innovation. Chilean companies of all sizes must transform their platforms to incorporate digitalization, urged digital expert Roberto Arancibia.
The industry added that the climate crisis remains one of its main concerns.
"It was important to offer a panel that explains what this threat might look like in the future. Especially because year after year rainwater declines and temperatures rise," emphasized vice-president of Chile Prunes Javier Plaza.
"With this threat present, the Chilean prune industry seeks to better approach water preservation. This, continued Plaza, will require "changes in the way we administrate the agricultural system."