Yello apple will return to selected groceries

Yello apple will be back this season thanks to a fruitful harvest.
The apple originated in The Nagano Research Center, Japan, 1983 and it's a cross between a golden delicious and senshu apple and its known for its golden yellow skin and sweet flavor.
The fruit is exclusively owned and grown by Montague in Australia and Victorian partners in Pakenham, West Gippsland, Drouin, Yarra Valley, and the Mornington Peninsula. The fruit is currently only grown in select areas with a limited yield each year.
Montague and gowers are anticipating a total harvest of approximately 2 million, the business currently owns more than 36,5000 yello apple trees that are expected to yield approximately 100 apples each.
Montague reports strong customer approval for yello, emphasizing its compatibility with exotic spices and various dishes. Available at selected greengrocers and Costco, yello apples will be on sale for a limited period until early September or while supplies last.
Yello will be available at selected groceries including Costco for a limited time until early September, or until stocks last.