Agronometrics in Charts

Agronometrics in Charts: Global grape market under strain

The increasing frequency of El Niño and La Niña events is undeniably impacting grape production globally, introducing unpredictability into growing conditions.
November 09 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: Holiday season likely to witness a respite from elevated blueberry prices

Volumes from Michoacan and Jalisco, Mexico, scheduled to commence harvesting during the second week of November, could wield some degree of influence on the market's behavior.
November 07 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: Peru’s Agricultural Sector Upended by El Niño 

Peru's agricultural export industry is facing challenging circumstances, as a second year of adverse weather conditions disrupts a prolonged period of growth.
November 02 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: Colombia’s avocado exports are growing exponentially

Avocados have metamorphosed into Colombia's "green gold," as their exportation has already established a significant presence in various countries including the Netherlands, the U.S., the UK, Spain and Belgium.
October 31 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: Mexico’s ‘Flor Loca’ crop fuels an abundant supply of avocados to the U.S.

Mexico stands as the primary supplier of avocados, following the conclusion of both California and Peru's harvest seasons. Additionally, Chile and Colombia are contributing to the supply with modest volumes. As for demand, historically it’s the slowest during fall for avocados.
October 26 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: Peruvian grapes bridging supply gaps left behind by Hurricane Hilary

Peru has been on a strong growth streak, with an average increase of 20% over the past three seasons in the north.
October 24 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: Commencement of Jalisco's raspberry season causing dips in pricing

Prices witnessed a notable decrease over the course of week 40, however, pricing levels were still approximately 33% higher in comparison to the corresponding period in 2022.
October 19 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: Rabobank projects a favorable outlook for table grapes

Despite a 5% reduction in global exports during the 2022-23 season, numerous countries are strategically adjusting their production methods to meet market demand and optimize operational efficiency.
October 17 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: U.S. peach and nectarine production projected to drop to its lowest level in almost 40 years

This forecast marks a continuation of the declining trend that began in 2011-12, with production dropping below 1.0 million tons in 2013-14 for the first time in decades.
October 12 , 2023

Agronometrics in Charts: Peruvian blueberry export volumes face a 50% decline year-on-year

Data compiled by Fresh Fruit Peru reveals that as of mid-September, blueberry shipments from Peru stood at a mere 40,527 tonnes, marking a significant 50% drop compared to the corresponding period in the previous year.
October 10 , 2023