Heavy rain damages cherry crop in southeastern Australia

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Heavy rain damages cherry crop in southeastern Australia

Cherry growers in southeastern Australia are assessing damage caused by nearly 4 inches of rain over the weekend, the Australian Broadcasting Co.’s website reported.

The precipitation came in the middle of the harvest, causing fruit ready for market to split while on the tree. Fruit with an estimated value of AU $70 (US $67) per carton was damaged in New South Wales, the newspaper reported.

Grower Bill Hotson of Chiltern, Victoria, told the website that his crop has been lost.

"There is such a great crop on this year and the fruit has just looked magnificent," he said, according to the website. "We got 35 mm (1.4 inches) of rain overnight and it was just too much."

Grain growers will likely have to downgrade their products as a result of the heavy rain, the website reported.

Source: www.freshfruitportal.com

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