Chile’s blueberry exporters urged to maintain 1-pint packages

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Chile’s blueberry exporters urged to maintain 1-pint packages

Large volumes of blueberries are expected to be shipped from Chile for the next few weeks, so the Chilean Blueberry Committee is recommending exporters continue sending 1-pint clamshell packages.

The harvest estimates from the Blueberry Committee show big shipments lasting until week 5 or 6, so it recommends keeping the 1-pint package as the standard for the industry.

Sales of smaller packages of 6 ounces could begin in the first week in March (week 9). That means that depending on the type of transport, pints could be sent until the middle of week 6.

Until now, industry cartons have had average weights of 3.85 kilograms, which has allowed more fluid movement of the higher weekly volumes sent to the United States market.

Rushing the change in packaging could upset the balance between supply and demand, pushing prices down unnecessarily.

Source: Chilean Blueberry Committee/edited by

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