Peru could become second largest grape exporter in the Americas

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Peru could become second largest grape exporter in the Americas

Peru’s Grape Producers Association (PROVID) has announced the country could soon become the second-largest table grape exporter in the Americas, website reported.

PROVID president Alejandro Fuentes told the website the country's grape exports were worth US$215 million during the 2010-11 season with an industry that could surpass Mexico and the U.S.

While Chile is the largest table grape exporter in the Americas, Peru has had an annual growth rate of 25% in recent years and this last season's figure represents a 34% rise, the story reported.

Fuentes forecast US$240 million in grape exports next season, with many industry players that are still relatively young and some only in business for the last five years.

"Peru already represents 10% of Chilean production and in 2015 we will represent 25%, but five years ago we were only 1%," he was quoted as saying.

He said the country was not only focused on Red Globe but was now specializing in other varieties destined for markets like Europe and the U.S.

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