Peruvian authorities recall toxic pesticides

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Peruvian authorities recall toxic pesticides

Several pesticides containing highly toxic elements will be withdrawn from the market by the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG) to protect consumers, the environment and farm laborers.

The Agriculture Ministry 's website cites banned products as those containing active ingredient compounds like aldicarb, alachlor and methamidophos and lead arsenates, such as endosulfan and paraquat.

The list also includes dry powder formulations comprising a combination of benomyl at or above 7%, carbofuran at or above 10%, along with thiram and methyl bromide at or above 15% .

The move follows a MINAG scientific technical analysis report, showing the compounds were highly toxic to bees, earthworms aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates.

They were also found to be bioaccumulative, soluble and likely to trigger a high degree of contamination in contact with soil and water.

The ban means Peru is compliant with international agreements relating to prohibited pesticides, as the country continues to make moves on many fronts to promote a clean and sustainable image. This is the second major government decision this year that will affect agriculture, after it declared a 10-year moratorium on GM seeds in June.

Related story: Endosulfan and the Southern Hemisphere fruit industry

Photo: Hora digital

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