Argentina expects new pome fruit protocol with China

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Argentina expects new pome fruit protocol with China

Expectations are high that Argentina's Agriculture Minister Norberto Yauhar will sign a new apple and pear export protocol with China during a visit to the East Asian country in the coming weeks. peras_21594919 - panorama

The two countries signed a protocol in 2010, but Argentine Chamber of Integrated Fruit Growers (CAFI) executive director Marcelo Loyarte told it was unworkable in its treatment against codling moth and the industry had not been sending pome fruit to China.

"We are not exporting apples and pears to China. There was a protocol signed but it had to be adapted," he said.

"If we are able to reach a better protocol with China it would be very important for us."

He added the Argentine industry did send pome fruit to Hong Kong but not directly to the Chinese mainland.

In a government release, Yauhar said the new protocol would simplify phytosanitary requirements for exporters.

"Exports of apples and pears to China will be enabled with the signing of this protocol," he said.

An Argentine ministerial meeting with Chinese authorities is expected to take place later this month or in early December.

"This move will strengthen the relationship with China, with which Argentina is a strategic partner and has the most agreements signed."

Around 56% of Argentina's apple production goes to the fresh market, and 45% of the fresh crop is exported. For pears, 77% of production is in fresh and 80% of that is exported.

Apples and pears account for half of Argentina's fresh fruit shipments.


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