Australia to benefit from R&D agreements with India

Australian horticulture is set to benefit from new agreements signed yesterday with three key Indian research organizations.

ICRISAT deputy director general for Research Dr. CLL Gowda exchanging the signed MoU with HIA Ltd director David Cliffe at the ICRISAT global headquarters in Hyderabad, India
Horticulture Innovation Australia Ltd (HIA Ltd) reached a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid-Tropics (ICRISAT), Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd (JISL) India and Bioseed Research India (BRI).
The deal will allow researchers from all parties to undertake joint research and development in horticulture.
"We are excited that through this collaboration with HIA Ltd, ICRISAT and Australia will be doing not only high-quality but also high-impact research that is expected to reach and benefit millions of farmers and consumers globally," ICRISAT director general Dr. William Dar said.
JISL and HIA Ltd have committed to exploring research in a range of horticultural crops, with an initial focus on mangoes. This is the first formal relationship between two countries to address key research issues relating to the fruit.
"Working collaboratively will benefit both countries as we identify research gaps and potential opportunities," HIA Ltd chairman Selwyn Snell said.
BRI is said to have a 'cutting edge' research and development program servicing vegetable and broad acre crops with hybrid seeds. The MoU will allow HIA Ltd to focus on key research areas in vegetable crops that will advance the industry further.
HIA Ltd research and development general manager David Moore and several researchers from the Queensland Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, the University of Queensland, and the Queensland University of Agriculture and Technology are visiting India as part of the HIA Ltd-led delegation.