Prices rise for South African oranges in the EU

Prices have improved for South African oranges in the European market over last year, while they have remained similar in the U.S. in spite of significantly higher volumes.
Up until week 26, the country had been the leading orange supplier by far to the EU and prices have been on an upward curve over recent weeks, rising from around €0.83 (US$0.92) per kilogram in mid-May to €0.99 (US$1.10) last week, according to Dutch organization Tricop.
These prices are similar to the 2013 season but between 15-37% higher than last year.
The South African fruit is selling alongside supply from Egypt, Spain and Morocco, all of which have enjoyed improved year-on-year prices.
In the U.S. market, South African oranges began to arrive around the beginning of June and the first prices of US$1.63 per kilogram were registered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in week 26. The prices are similar to last season.
Up until June 20, arrivals of South African oranges had reached 7,500 metric tons (MT), according to the USDA, putting them significantly higher than the 1,100MT shipped up to the same point last year.