Getting your bearings: A guide to Latin America's ag pests

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Getting your bearings: A guide to Latin America's ag pests

Phytosanitary threats. They're always an issue when it comes to agriculture and can be a real headache for growers and traders alike. Whether it be through import bans or strict rules that can affect quality, the mere presence of a pest in a country or region can have flow-on effects for the market at large.

On its website, CropLife Latin America has put together a useful map of the different pests that plague the region, in a country-by-country format. The legend is in Spanish however, but we've translated it below for your convenience.

Latin America Pest Map

Coffee Leaf RustCoffee Leaf Rust


Type of Pest: Fungus
Crops: Coffee
Countries Affected: Mexico - Guatemala - El Salvador - Nicaragua - Honduras - Costa Rica - Panama - Peru - Brazil - Bolivia

Black SigatokaBlack Sigatoka


Type of Pest: Fungus
Crops:: Bananas and Plantains
Countries Affected: Mexico - Ecuador - Colombia - Peru - Venezuela

Soy thripsSoybean Thrips



Type of Pest: Insect
Crops: Soybeans
Countries Affected: Argentina - Bolivia - Brazil - Paraguay - Uruguay

Corn EarwormCorn Earworm



Type of Pest: Insect
Crops: Soybeans, Cotton, Corn
Countries Affected: Brazil - Paraguay - Argentina

Moniliophthora roreriMoniliophthora roreri



Type of Pest: Fungus
Crops: Cacao
Countries Affected: Peru - Colombia - Ecuador - Nicaragua

European Grapevine MothEuropean Grapevine Moth (Lobesia botrana)



Type of Pest: Insect
Crops: Grapes (Blueberries too, although they are not mentioned in the Crop Life summary)
Countries Affected: Chile - Argentina

Citrus GreeningCitrus Greening (HLB)



Type of Pest: Bacteria transmitted by insects
Crops: Oranges, Lemons, Limes, Grapefruit and Mandarins
Countries Affectd: Paraguay - Brazil - Mexico - Argentina - Costa Rica

Andean Potato WeevilAndean Potato Weevil



Type of Pest: Insect
Crops: Potatoes
Countries Affected: Ecuador - Colombia - Peru - Venezuela - Bolivia

Tobacco BudwormTobacco Budworm



Type of Pest: Insect
Crops: Cotton
Countries Affected: Mexico - Colombia - Ecuador - Peru

Soybean RustSoybean Rust



Type of Pest: Fungus
Crops: Soybeans and other legume species
Countries Affected: Brazil - Paraguay - Uruguay - Argentina - Bolivia

Green-belly stink bugGreen-belly stink bug


Type of Pest: Insect
Crops: Soybeans
Countries Affected: Brazil - Argentina - Paraguay

Cercospora sojinaCercospora sojina


Type of Pest: Fungus
Crops: Soybeans
Countries Affected: Argentina - Brazil - Chile- Paraguay - Uruguay - Bolivia

Phytophthora palmivoraPhytophthora palmivora


Type of Pest: Fungus
Crops: Palm Oil
Countries Affected: Panama - Colombia - Surinam - Brazil - Ecuador - Mexico - Honduras - Costa Rica

Johnson GrassJohnson Grass


Type of Pest: Weed
Countries Affected: Brazil - Bolivia - Mexico - Paraguay - Chile

Burkholderia glumaeBurkholderia glumae


Type of Pest: Bacteria
Crops: Rice
Countries Affected: Colombia- Nicaragua- Venezuela - Costa Rica - Panama - Dominican Republic from

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