South Africa: Early season grape volume running higher than 2015-16

Packed volumes for the South African table grape industry are up about 8% year-on-year in the early part of the season, at a level of just over 10 million equivalent 4.5kg (9.9lbs) cartons in the season to Week 49.
In its trade newsletter, the South African Table Grape Industry (SATI) reported packing was up 10.3% year-on-year in the Northern Provinces, with growers monitoring vineyards after normal summer rains which fell over the past few weeks.
"Despite this the harvest is well on track. Packing of the early cultivars is done," the group said.
Packing was up 7.5% to date in the Orange River area, with packing finished for Prime and Flame varieties.
"They have started packing Thompsons while the later part of the region is still busy with the early cultivars."
Packing is also in full swing in the Olifants River with vineyards well recovered from last season's hot and dry conditions, according to SATI.
"The colour development of red and black varieties is better compared to last season," the group said.
Favorable conditions remained in the Berg River and Hex River regions, where packing hadn't started yet.
The year-on-year increase in exports was just 3% in the season to date, with substantially higher volumes sent to less significant markets such as South East Asia, the Far East, the U.S. and Canada, while exports were down slightly but more or less stable to the leading destinations of the continental European Union and the U.K.
The Middle East and Russia saw substantial year-on-year declines of 27% and 73% respectively.