Mission Produce hires new sales operations manager for Europe

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Mission Produce hires new sales operations manager for Europe

California-based avocado company Mission Produce has hired Vincenzo Salento to be its new sales operations manager for Europe.

His new role will include formulating and executing sales plans as well as managing the sales support staff in the company's facility in Breda, in the Netherlands.

"Vincenzo is an experienced sales professional and understands that strong planning programs ensure success in growing markets like Europe. We are excited to have him on our team in Breda," said Ben Barnard, Mission's senior director of operations with oversight in Europe.

"Vincenzo will play an important role in our European operations as we grow the business here," said Pedro Hevia, the sales manager in Europe.

"I'll work closely with him on analyzing customers and market opportunities. His expertise will help us drive exceptional performance in all our sales support functions."

Salento has over 20 years experience in sales operations management, most recently working with Milano Fresh. He also has experience in telecom and renewable energy, as well as having an economic law degree and masters coursework in strategic marketing.

"With Vincenzo, we've added depth and experience to our sales management and planning processes. Given his prior experience in produce in Europe, as well as his work outside of produce, we feel his skillset is a perfect fit for Mission in Europe," said Brent L. Scattini, vice president of sales and marketing.


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