Mexico: Research shows export potential of native avocados

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Mexico: Research shows export potential of native avocados

The National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research (INIFAP) studied a total of 15 types of native (criollo) avocados from the Guanajuato and Nayarit areas.

The research showed that native varieties, Fuerte and Uriel, have pulp that can be frozen for export. They also have properties suitable for oil production and other uses, enhancing superior commercial qualities, similar to Hass avocado.

The researcher of the Bajío Experimental Field of INIFAP, Salvador Guzmán Maldonado, indicates that the preliminary research data shows that the native material's weight is similar to the Hass avocado, around 150 to 300 grams. The Fuerte variety has 198 grams and Uriel has approximately 161 grams.

Guzman adds that, thanks to the research, they discovered that the pulp content of some genotypes is significantly higher than Hass, averaging 66% of the weight. "For example, the Fuerte variety contains 91% pulp due to its small stone, while Uriel has 77% of its weight."

The researcher notes that there are also other materials that can be used for pulp production, such as Landin 1 and 2, NNN, Pata de Pichó, Pachis, RLV Alargado and Verde Punteado, which have between 70 and 83% pulp.

Native varieties showed a high oil content, with up to 68%, which are called "butter avocados", as is the case of Pachis 2, NNN, RLV Alargado, Pata de Pichón and Lindan 3, which have 18% higher content than 18% Hass avocados.

INIFAP researchers identified at least 300 different types of native avocados in Guanajuato. However, due to the way it is propagated, it is believed that many come from the same type.

Guzmán comments that, to verify the genetic origin of these materials, INIFAP carried out a study with microsatellites through sequencing, in collaboration with the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV), they were able to conclude the results.

Characteristics of native avocados

The researcher specified that the avocado is called “criollo” avocado when it is native to a region, which has been preserved and protected by the populations where it is produced, mainly for self-consumption.  "This type of fruit is developed in Puebla, Michoacán, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Nayarit and Guanajuato".

He indicates that criollo avocados are green in color and in some cases the peel is thick like that of Hass avocados. However, he says, there are criollo materials that have black skin, which is so thin that it is consumed together with the pulp.

According to studies conducted at Loma Linda University in Los Angeles, California, and Tufts University in Boston, eating half an avocado gives a feeling of satiety and improves memory in elderly people. They also demonstrated that avocado consumption decreases the risk of thrombosis.

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