First Chilean Navels en route to the U.S.

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First Chilean Navels en route to the U.S.

With Chile's first shipment of Navel oranges having recently set sail for the U.S., the industry is predicting an 8% year-on-year rise in volumes. ALF_6814

The consignment departed to the U.S. from the central port of San Antonio during the week of June 8. A total of 11,200 boxes are destined for the market.

While volume shipped year to date is somewhat lower than same time last year, weekly shipment volumes are expected to increase quickly over the coming weeks, as new orchards are being harvested and mild weather is presenting ideal conditions for picking.

The Chilean Citrus Committee said more than 90% of total production volume was destined for the U.S. market.

Fukumoto is the main early Navel orange currently being picked in the central zone of the country. Harvesting of this variety will continue through the end of June, when growers will start harvesting other varieties, such as Cara Cara’s.

“This year we expect a smooth supply of Navels from the early part of the season, to be present in the market from late June through early November," Chilean Citrus Committee chairman Juan Enrique Ortuzar said.

"Mild climatic conditions have been positive for both eating quality and harvesting conditions, and we look forward to providing the U.S. with the high quality navels they have come to expect from Chile.”

The citrus committee is supported by a team of U.S.-based merchandisers who are working with retailers across the U.S. on tailored promotional support.

“We’re committed to providing retailers with the support they need, so while this could be a Facebook contest for one retailer, it might be a merchandising contest for another chain and partner demos with yet another," North American managing direction of the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association Karen Brux said.

"We do whatever is most effective in supporting retailers and encouraging their customers to buy Chilean citrus throughout our season.”

Chilean navels will be available in the U.S. market through early November.

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