New hope for Australia's bananas after Cyclone Yasi

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New hope for Australia's bananas after Cyclone Yasi

The Australian Banana Growers Council (ABGC) said the town of Mareeba south of Cairns was not badly affected by Cyclone Yasi, while other regions would also be able to help boost supply after 75% of the nation's crop was wiped out, media group ABC reported.

AGBC told the ABC the total cost to the industry would be $200 million; a relatively low figure considering the industry is worth $400 million annually and such a large proportion of crops were wiped out.

AGBC president Cameron MacKay told the ABC that the industry had 'spread itself' after Cyclone Larry in 2006, so there were other banana-growing regions in southern Queensland and northern New South Wales where there has been increased production.

In a press release in the wake of the cyclone, Mackay said there would be an interruption to supply for the next four months, with the likelihood of weather-damaged fruit on supermarket shelves.


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