Colombia's growing avocado model

The formation of CORPOHASS marks an important milestone for Colombia in the avocado industry, as it moves from domsetically focused sales to the international market.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the country was the world's fifth largest producer of the fruit in 2011 with 215,322 metric tons (MT), slightly ahead of Peru at the time and 60,631MT behind the fourth ranked grower Indonesia.
The FAO figures show its value in that year was US$149 million, compared to the U.S. avocado value of US$142 million.
The department of Antioquia accounts for half the country's 7,000 hectares of the Hass variety, and has shown a major trend towards a growing export industry.
The Antioquia government has set this industry the goal of shipping 100 containers of avocados, or 600MT, to the European market.
In 2012 the entire country shipped just over a quarter of that amount to the European Union, while this year Antioquia has already sent its first 10 containers to the Netherlands, with exporters reporting good results.
As part of this growing development, the industry will be hosting the Colombian Avocado Technical Tour in Medellin from May 20-26, with visits to the municipalities of El Retiro, La Ceja and Rionegro for participants to understand the process in development.
The event will be organized by Tecnogiras and Expoagrofuturo 2013, in collaboration with Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (CORPOICA).