Spain: Warm winter forces early berry harvest for Onubafruit
Opening prices for Spanish berries have been lower this year as they enter a European market that is not ready to have the crop available so early.
This is the message from Onubafruit commercial director Carlos Esteve, who told his company - Europe's leading blueberry exporter - was forced to start harvests early due to the effects of a warm winter.
He said berry demand was normal for this time of year, but supply was greater than usual.
"The biggest change compared to previous years is that with the weather we've had, with a very warm winter in which there were practically no cold spells, the production of berries is ahead by three or four weeks," he said.
"Week on week, prices have been comparatively lower than last year as volume has been much higher.
"The first weeks have been a bit complicated because we've had to force demand, but now demand is good."
The executive added the company's revenues had risen by around €15 million thanks to new plantations, which will continue to lead to increased production.
"In the coming years there are projects that will continue to raise production in almost all production lines."