Chiquita banana voted one of Germany's most sustainable products

Employees and customers of German retail group REWE have voted the Chiquita banana one of the country's top three most sustainable products in the food category.

From left to right: Andrew Biles (CEO and President Chiquita Brands International Sarl (CBIS)), Felix Finkbeiner (Initiator Plant-for-the-Planet), Christian Schütz (Geschäftsführer Radeberger Gruppe KG)
The multinational's banana was chosen among a total of 60 food and non-food products in the category of "Germany’s most sustainable products", as part of REWE Group consumer voting 2016. This year’s edition was the sixth instalment of REWE’s award.
"The fact that our bananas have been recognized as one of Germany’s most sustainable products is a tribute to our great efforts, past and present," Chiquita Brands International president and CEO Andrew J. Biles said.
"It is a confirmation that we are on track with our sustainability program, which aims to make a valuable contribution to future generations: to the Chiquita brand, our customers, suppliers, employees and our community, whilst taking the needs of our environment into consideration.
"It's a highly significant recognition of our sustainability efforts and spurs our motivation to proudly and resolutely continue on our sustainability journey."
The German sustainability award is given by the foundation called Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis e.V., in association with the federal government, communal central associations, trade associations, civil organizations and research institutions.
With five categories, over 800 contenders and 2,000 guests at the award ceremony, the German sustainability award is the biggest award of its kind in Europe.
Chiquita grows, procures, markets, and sells bananas and other fresh fruits, with 20,000 employees across 30 countries.