Chile to export 95 million cherry boxes in 2023-24

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Chile to export 95 million cherry boxes in 2023-24

The cherry committee of the Chilean Exporters Association (ASOEX), which represents more than 85% of the volume of Chilean cherry exports to the world, released its first export projection for the 2023-2024 season, which began just a few weeks ago, with an estimated 95,412,863 million 5 kg (11 pounds) boxes.

"Although the new estimate shows an increase of 15% over last season's shipments, it must be kept in mind that, given the climatic reality that is being faced, this is a volume that varies constantly, so the data will be changing as the season progresses. What is certain is that we will continue to send cherries of very good quality, size, and flavor to the world to ensure that consumers can enjoy this Chilean fruit, especially in China, our main destination," said Iván Marambio, president of ASOEX.

Claudia Soler, executive director of the ASOEX cherry committee observes, "We have never had such a hard time estimating the season’s shipments because volumes vary week by week, especially due to weather conditions that the industry has been facing. Therefore, this first estimate does not include the effects of the latest rains."

Soler adds that the Committee will deliver a new estimate at the end of November.

"We are working so that shipments are carried out in the best possible way, both in Chile and abroad. We were recently in China as part of Chile Week where we were able to present promotions for this cherry season in China," she notes.

The fact that the Chinese New Year will be celebrated on February 10, 2024, will give exporters and growers a larger time frame for shipments compared to the previous year when the celebration fell on Jan. 22.

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