California almond forecast up 13% for 2024

The 2024 California almond production forecast is 2.80 billion meat pounds, down 7% from May's subjective forecast and 13% higher than last year's crop of 2.47 billion meat pounds, the USDA reports.
The forecast is based on 1.38 million bearing acres. Production for the Nonpareil variety is forecast at 1.10 billion meat pounds, 17% above last year’s deliveries of 941 million meat pounds.
The Nonpareil variety represents 39% of California’s total almond production.
The 2024 almond crop experienced mostly favorable weather during the bloom period, which began the second week in February and finished by the middle of March. Bee activity hours were reported to be significantly higher than last year.
Wet and warm weather in April increased pest and disease pressure, but dry conditions and mild temperatures in May helped the developing crop. Multiple heat waves across the state during June and July required growers to increase irrigation in their orchards.
The almond harvest is expected to be on schedule.
The average nut set per tree is 4,072, an increase of 3% compared to 2023. The Nonpareil average nut set of 4,137 is 3% higher than last year. The average kernel weight for all varieties sampled was 1.61 grams, down 4% from the 2023 average weight. The Nonpareil average kernel weight was 1.64 grams, down 3% from the 2023 average weight. A total of 98.9% of all nuts sized were sound.