Beva Fruits International (BFI) and Lebanon Pack House (LPH-CMA CGM GROUP) sign an exclusivity agreement for EU distribution

“For us, it was essential to materialize this relationship which has been from day one a partnership of trust and mutual outlook on the future of Lebanese grapes and avocados “ explains Bruno EDERY, CEO of BFI.
Lebanese products although known for their quality, haven’t seen much exposure in the past. The last two seasons have proven the contrary with an excellent reception from EU retailers, wholesalers, and food service companies.
“The avocados and table grapes are at par with the traditional origins and both fall in crucial windows, November for grapes and February for Avocados, adds Bruno Edery.
“Lebanese Avocados and Grapes will become in the years to come one to reckon with as volumes in grapes will reach 25,000 tons and 20,000 tons per annum in avocados by 2030,” explains Jimmy Harari, Head of Global Procurement at BFI. “With this tonnage, we will be able to service multiple EU and UK retailers and, in the packaging, they desire” adds Jimmy Harari.
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