Argentina pear and apple volumes to increase 23.9% in 2010-11

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Argentina pear and apple volumes to increase 23.9% in 2010-11

The harvest volume of pears and apples in the Argentine provinces of Río Negro and Neuquén will increase 23.9% in 2011 compared to the previous season, according to numbers published by the agricultural department of the Province of Río Negro.

The ministry uses harvest estimates from an analysis of fruit orchards performed by the agriculture science faculty of the Universidad Nacional de Cordaba (UNC). The results estimate for pears an increase of 21.2% over last season and an increase of 26.1% for apples.

Fruit sizes are also expected to be larger than in the 2009-10 fruit season for both apples and pears. Sizes will increase on average of 11-23% compared to last year, depending on the growing region and variety.

In terms of timing, the harvest of Williams pears will most likely start on January 10, for Packham’s Triumph pears February 7 will likely see the start of the harvest. In the case of apples the Red Delicious variety will see the harvest begin February 13 and for Granny Smith that harvest work is estimated to begin on March 4.



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