Argentina's grapes damaged by rain but Chile exports to rise
Argentina’s grape exports have been damaged by rains and South Africa shipped less than expected in week 5, according to a recent report by market analysis company iQonsulting.
The company said rains in Argentina’s San Juan province have led to many Imperial grapes arriving in Europe with loose skin and rotting outbreaks.
The report said South Africa will likely export 10% less than expected for the 2010-11 season, due to the effects of floods. The Orange River region was the most affected and finished the season with 30% less Seedless grapes, with lighter clusters and in some cases fewer clusters of the Thompson and Crimson varieties.
On a more positive note, Chile is expected to export 10% more table grapes in 2010-11 than in the previous season, with good climatic conditions, especially in the central zone. Harvests are concentrated in the Coquimbo and Valparaiso regions, with the first harvests starting in the Santiago Metropolitan and O’Higgins regions.
Grapes of various colors from the Chilean regions of Atacama and Coquimbo were delayed, while grape-growing in Copiapó dropped sharply.
Peru’s harvest for the season is coming to an end with the last Red Globes from Ica to be harvested in the next two weeks.
India’s export grape harvest began in week 4, sending shipments to Hong Kong and Shanghai with high demand due to the Chinese New Year. There has been intensive Thompson harvesting, and during week 6 the country will load its first containers bound for Europe. The report said these containers will likely find lower demand in Europe, particularly in Germany, due to misgivings about the use of Cicocel chemical treatment in farming.
Source: iQonsulting/