Indian mangoes may soon enter South African market

Indian mangoes could be on their way to South Africa as soon as the 2013 season, according to a senior official at the country's agricultural authority.
"We are just awaiting clearance from them. The phytosanitary measures have to be decided. So we are waiting for that," said Vinod Kaul, deputy general manager at India's Agriculture & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority.
"It depends on when clearance is given because our mango season starts from early March and lasts until mid-August. So if the clearance comes during this period, we will be able to ship something this year."
Kaul explained, however, that even with pending approval, India shouldn't expect to export large volumes to South Africa just yet. Exporters will still need to make deals with importers to get the ball rolling.
Once contacts are established, Kaul anticipates a bright future on the South African market.
"We have very close relations and there are some items which have been going to South Africa from Indian anyway. Mango is a tropical fruit and there is a difference of season. It provides us a good window to export mangoes to South Africa. We foresee that good volumes can go in due course," he said.
This season, India also has new market access for mangoes in Australia, New Zealand and Chile. 2013 will be the first year that Chile receives mango shipments from India.
In terms of volume, Kaul said India anticipates a "lean" year with output naturally dropping about 10% compared to "boom" years.
India is the world's top mango grower, producing 15,026,700 tons (MT) of mangoes, mangosteens and guavas in 2010, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.
India's Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics listed the United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh and the United Kingdom as the top three importers of fresh Indian mangoes in 2011-12.
Kaul said the country's top varieties this year will be Alphonso, Kesar, Banginapalli, Langra and Chausa.