More than half of U.S. households buy fresh mushrooms

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More than half of U.S. households buy fresh mushrooms

The new study from the U.S.-based Mushroom Council has found more than half of U.S. households bought the veggie last year while 80% of purchasing households were repeat buyers, meaning they bought the product more than once in 2015.

The Fresh Mushroom Fast Facts study provides key insights into the shopping behaviors that are driving fresh mushroom category growth.

"A high level of repeat purchasers is exciting news for the category,” says Mushroom Council president Bart Minor.

"These mushroom lovers are more receptive to new varieties and new ways to use mushrooms, such as the Blend.”

The Blend initiative was created by the council to encourage chefs, consumers, food service operators and retailers to find new ways to use mushrooms, incorporating a simple technique to finely chop the vegetable for use in traditional recipes.

The study found today's mushroom shoppers average six mushroom buying trips per year and spend US$2.69 per trip, for a total annual spend of US$15.78 on fresh mushrooms.

"If we can influence mushroom buyers to spend $1 more per year on mushrooms, that would translate to a +$66 million increase in annual fresh mushroom sales,” Minor said in a release.

"We are excited for the growth opportunities the Blend initiative presents for the industry.”

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