Peruvian avocado exports up by 100,000MT in 2020

Peru exported almost 100,000 metric tons (MT) more of avocados in 2020 than in the previous year, according to news website
Exports rose by 32 percent year-on-year, totaling over 410,000MT
However, this increased supply was not matched by an increased value. Data from Agrodata Peru showed the value of Peruvian avocado shipments for the year that just ended as reaching $771 million. This represents a growth of only 3.5 percent in comparison to 2019.
The lower increase in value, when compared to volume, is attributable to the low avocado prices in the international market. As a result of the fruit’s high supply, many destination markets were saturated. On average prices sank to $1.88 per kilo from the $2.40 seen in 2019
The primary market for Peruvian avocados was the Netherlands, which accounted for 33 percent of the total exports. The second most prominent destination was the United States with 22 percent and then Spain with 17 percent.
Other, smaller percentages of Peruvian avocado supply were directed toward countries such as the United Kingdom, Chile, China, Russia, Japan, and South Korea.
In terms of avocado exporters, the main players for 2020 were: Avocado Packing Company, Westfalia Fruit Peru , AgrÃcola Cerro Prieto, Camposol, AgrÃcola Drokasa, and Virú amongst others.